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Watermelon Honeydew Melon Cantaloupe Papaya


Watermelon contains many heart-healthy nutrients, including lycopene, citrulline, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium.

Honeydew melon

It is cold in nature and sweet in taste; it can promote urination, quench thirst, eliminate heat, prevent heatstroke, promote body fluid and quench thirst; it can treat symptoms such as fever, heatstroke, thirst, urinary tract infection, and oral and nasal sores.


Hami melon is a fruit with a cold taste and nature. It has many functions such as clearing lung heat, relieving cough, promoting bowel movements, curing hunger, and invigorating qi. It is more suitable for patients with anemia, kidney disease, stomach disease, cough, phlegm, and constipation.


Papaya is rich in dietary fiber and pectin, which are beneficial for delaying the rise of blood sugar. It is also an important source of energy for intestinal probiotics, which can maintain healthy intestinal function and help excrete toxins in the intestines.

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